Effective July 1, Trinity University of Asia Basic Education (Elementary and High School) and the College of Education (CED) would be headed by one chief. Dr. Adela G. Gillette, Dean of said college, was appointed Acting Principal of the Basic Education Department in lieu of the retirement of its former principal, Dr. La Paz G. Brito.

According to Dr. Epitacio S. Palispis, Vice President for Academic Affairs, a close tie-up between the College of Education and Basic Education was undertaken to strengthen the Teacher-Training College (CED) and Basic Education. He emphasized that under the new teacher education curriculum, a need to introduce new subjects, like Field Studies 1-6, is imperative wherein the professors are expected to teach their students how the principles and theories are applied in actual teaching.

Dr. Palispis added that said restructuring was likewise done for the convenience of the Education students because once the CED office was moved in to the Basic Education campus, they do not need to go back and forth from the main campus of the University to the Basic Education Campus, which served as the laboratory of the student-teachers. The transfer of the CED office will materialize by semester upon completion of the renovations, repair and face-lifting of the Basic Education campus.

Dr. Palispis further said that as emphatically announced by the management and contrary to the rumor, the Basic Education will not be dissolved. It will continue to operate; TUA management continually endeavors to enhance the areas of concerns in the Basic Education, such as teaching skills of the faculty, faculty profile, revision of the Basic Education curricula, and revitalization of other academic programs that are relevant to the needs of changing times.

These shall be done by equipping the teachers with current trends and innovations thru in-house seminars and trainings and encouraging them to pursue graduate and post-graduate studies. Dr. Palispis finally said that TUA management envisions the Basic Education, like that of other special schools, to excel in a certain field someday.